Inilah keluhan yang di dengar di seantario tanahairku sekarang ni.. Baik di kampung2 maupun dibandar. "Apa sudah jadi..!!?? harga beras naik melambung lambung macam naiknya suhu termometer bila kena demam kura-kura... beras hancur yang paling murah dulunya RM8.75 untuk 5 kilo sekarang naik lebih dari 2 kali ganda ke RM18 (betui ka ni??). Tidak kira lagi beras wangi atau beras gred super yang dulu belas-belas ringgit kini dah jadi puluhan ringgit.." inilah keluhan dari seorang ketua keluarga yang terpaksa menampung keluarganya yang sebanyak 9 orang dengan gaji cukup makan dan tinggal di kota metropolitan ini..
ayo yoo appa amma, kita yang income besar pun rasa tercekik leher camna lah pulak bagi yang gaji rendah dan anak ramai lagilah merana.. Itu tak termasuk bagi yang gaji cukup makan RM1,500, isteri tiga, anak 18 dan nak tanggung sorang lagi orang baru (isteri baru).. huish, kena buat overtime sampai tua la ni, hehehe.. tu pun tak tentu lagi cukup atau tak nak tampung makan hari2.
Baru 2 bulan berakhir PRU12 dan digamatkan dengan kontroversi2 isu ketuanan melayu, TDM vs PM, projek babi negara, lompat parti yang mana semuanya berkisar pada orang atasan, maka sekarang giliran rakyat jelatalah pulak menerima padahnya...
Bermula dengan kenaikan harga gandum yang effectnya ke atas harga roti, kuih dan roti canai (ni tak boleh maafkan), yang mana kita rakyat jelata masih boleh lagi bersabar. Sekarang kita digemparkan sekali lagi dengan kenaikan harga beras yang menjadi makanan ruji rakyat Malaysia... Yang menjadi masalahnya sekarang adalah dengan kenaikan harga beras yang terlalu drastik sekali.
Salah satu dari manifesto BN adalah 'menangani kesan kenaikan harga bagi menjamin kualiti hidup rakyat yang bermutu'.. macam mana nak tangani jika minta kenaikan gaji oleh MTUC pun tak dilayan.. Yang naik gaji adalah yang kerja dengan gomen saja, yang bekerja di sektor awam di anak tirikan.. Mereka ni bukan manusia ka.. Pak2 menteri dengan penasihat pak menteri dapat gaji sampai lima angka sebulan (atas dari RM30k) sampai elaun bercuti pun dapat jugak.. Depa ni semua macam 'kacang lupakan kulit'.. yang memberi kemenangan kepada mereka ni semua adalah rakyat jelata.. tapi setelah mengawal tampuk kerajaan, maka segala janji manismu hanya tinggal janji sahaja.. mula lah 'kaduk naik junjung'
Nampaknya manifesto BN hanya tinggal janji aja lah ye.. Hmm.. boleh buat police report ni saman kerajaan BN kerana tak tunai janji... hehehe.. sanggup ka aku..
Lepas ni kita tengok apa lagi yang nak naik.. ntah2 batu nesan, kain putih, minyak setanggi dan kapas pun naik harga jugak.. tu la tak pernah peka bab kematian ni.. (malu beb). Hidup susah, mati pun susah (dari sedutan cerita madu tiga).
Ni sebuah lagu 'bangau' untuk tatapan semua..
bangau oh bangau
kenapa engkau kurus
macam mana aku tak kurus
la ni susah cari nasi
nasi oh nasi
kenapa susah cari engkau
macam mana tak susah cari aku
orang jarang makan aku
orang oh orang
kenapa jarang makan nasi
macam mana nak makan nasi selalu
beras sudah naik harga
beras oh beras
kenapa naik harga
macam mana tak naik harga
satu dunia beras naik harga
beras oh beras
macam mana nak kawal harga
kalau mahu kawal harga
tanya sama BN
tanya sama BN
BN oh BN
macam mana kau nak kawal harga
cara aku kawal harga
naikkan gaji gomen
naikkan gaji gomen
Gomen oh gomen
engkau la ni dapat gaji baru
macam mana tak dapat gaji baru
pak menteri jugak nak gaji baru
pak menteri jugak nak gaji baru
pak menteri oh pak menteri
kalau gaji hampa naik macam mana pulak kami
aku kira apa pasai gaji org swasta
asalkan aku senang lenang
asalkan aku senang lenang
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Jakarta/Bandung - Part 1
These are some of the photos that i managed to edit.. So far, this is the most enjoyable trip i ever had in Indonesia.. Me and ana arrived 1 day earlier in Jakarta and guest where we stayed.. MG Hotel in Mangga Besar.. URGHHH!! wrong desicion.. Had to go through a dark lane.. (Nobody knows about this)
We were so scared even to sleep that night. However, both of us did went out to find another hotel for the rest of the geng (4 of them).. Along the street hawkers selling food and the best of all they also sells .. kodok goreng, biawak goreng, darah ular, daging ular cobra (sapa2 nak kuatkan tenaga boleh datang sini) and other exotic animals and even sate babi.. huaahh.. gelinya.. cam nak nangis malam tu.. Conclusion, people in mangga besar mostly are chinese.. I had speghetti that night but no for ana.. she saw an animal been slaughted at one of the gerai.. nasib tak nampak.. kalau tak kurus lah badan..
The next morning, we move out to a new and BETTER hotel.. legaaa.. went to pasar senin while waiting for the rest to arrive in jakarta.. Plan goes wrong, Airasia got delayed, so kak zah and ita arrived in bandara around 12 o'clock.. Kak ina and abg pozi took MAS and they had to wait for almost 2 hours for kak zah and ita at bandara.. Kak ita do make many friends with the taxi driver hehe.. They went straight to Tanah Abang from bandara and plan to meet us around 3 at the hotel and goes to Mangga Dua for another 'shopping trip'. However, they got stuck at Tanah Abang (shopping sakan) and meet us at the hotel around 5 o'clock instead..
At night, we met with rendy our tour guide and had dinner at padang restaurant.. oklah, asal kenyang udah... then we went sight seing around jakarta and stop by at Monas Monument. Ambil gambar sakan noo...
The next day, we drove to Bandung via Puncak.. Puncak is a nice place to visit.. macam cameron highland, attraction dia adalah masjid di atas puncak bukit, tea plantation, sky diving (kena pergi sekali lagi) dan fresh vege and fruits.. Kak zah kepingin nak beli potato kat sana tapi tak kesampaian..
Arrived in Bandung earlier than we thought semua thanks to the F1 driver.. hehehe.. jangan mare ye rendy nanti kena jual.. Semua pakat mengucap.. remarks from abg pozi "hati-hati bawak, kat dalam ni ada yang ada anak menanti di rumah.. ada yang tak kahwin lagi nih.." hehehe.. sadis tu... we went shopping at Mode factory outlet.. gilaz.. gilaz.. kalau bawak banyak duit.. separuh keta penuh nie... after that, we were taken to the guest house (boleh buat cam rumah sendiri tuu..), lepas rehat jap kami keluar makan ke Roemah Nenek.. gambar tak masuk lee, ada dalam camera lain.. di entertain lagi dengan lagu sheila majid di sana.. huish.. glamour kami.. Balik, semua orang dah cape banget.. letak aje kepala ke bantal semua ke dreamland..
The next morning, had breakfast made by ibu indra.. tahu isi goreng and tahu goreng.. habis sepinggan tu.. after that we were taken to cibaduyut tempatnya barangan kulit.. the only thing that i wanted to buy in cibaduyut is 'singkong keju'. Unfortunately, the gerai is no more there.. rasanya dah kena halau.. frust betul.. tempat lain singkong kejunya tak sama cam di sini.. next we went to pasar baru.. shopping,shopping and shopping.. cape de... memang tak larat ke sana.. kaki sampai naik kematu deh.. having lunch at pasar baru food court.. makan nasik rames, sambal terasi memang sedap.. but i only had nasi goreng kambing.. that's my favourite since in jakarta.. After lunch, the kakaks continue shopping, but no more for me.. surrender dek loh.. On the way back to the house we stop at Cihemplas factory outlet.. they have heroes character in front of their shop.. very creative..
That night we had dinner at stone cafe in dago.. very nice place and exclusive.. really had fun there.. kak ina, you cheer us all with your humour..
So here is the 1st part of my trip to Jakarta and Bandung.. will be back with more photos of me and ana in yogjakarta...
Thanks to kak ina, memeriahkan suasana macam hari raya... Abang pozi thanks jadi teman melayan dalam mobil.. kitakan orang 'terbelakang' hehe.. Kak zah and ita, enjoy tak trip ni.. please comment jika ada rasa tak puashati, boleh kita perbaiki lagi. Mana tahu ada trip lain lagi ke sana.. Rendy our tour guide cum driver (:)) cum adik had given a 1st class service and entertainment.. ibu indra, thanks for your hospitality and the food (breakfast) are excellent.. tip top condition.. Although this ain't my 1st time to Bandung or even Indonesia, but this trip has made me plan for another incredible tour to indonesia..
The next morning, we move out to a new and BETTER hotel.. legaaa.. went to pasar senin while waiting for the rest to arrive in jakarta.. Plan goes wrong, Airasia got delayed, so kak zah and ita arrived in bandara around 12 o'clock.. Kak ina and abg pozi took MAS and they had to wait for almost 2 hours for kak zah and ita at bandara.. Kak ita do make many friends with the taxi driver hehe.. They went straight to Tanah Abang from bandara and plan to meet us around 3 at the hotel and goes to Mangga Dua for another 'shopping trip'. However, they got stuck at Tanah Abang (shopping sakan) and meet us at the hotel around 5 o'clock instead..
At night, we met with rendy our tour guide and had dinner at padang restaurant.. oklah, asal kenyang udah... then we went sight seing around jakarta and stop by at Monas Monument. Ambil gambar sakan noo...
The next day, we drove to Bandung via Puncak.. Puncak is a nice place to visit.. macam cameron highland, attraction dia adalah masjid di atas puncak bukit, tea plantation, sky diving (kena pergi sekali lagi) dan fresh vege and fruits.. Kak zah kepingin nak beli potato kat sana tapi tak kesampaian..
Arrived in Bandung earlier than we thought semua thanks to the F1 driver.. hehehe.. jangan mare ye rendy nanti kena jual.. Semua pakat mengucap.. remarks from abg pozi "hati-hati bawak, kat dalam ni ada yang ada anak menanti di rumah.. ada yang tak kahwin lagi nih.." hehehe.. sadis tu... we went shopping at Mode factory outlet.. gilaz.. gilaz.. kalau bawak banyak duit.. separuh keta penuh nie... after that, we were taken to the guest house (boleh buat cam rumah sendiri tuu..), lepas rehat jap kami keluar makan ke Roemah Nenek.. gambar tak masuk lee, ada dalam camera lain.. di entertain lagi dengan lagu sheila majid di sana.. huish.. glamour kami.. Balik, semua orang dah cape banget.. letak aje kepala ke bantal semua ke dreamland..
The next morning, had breakfast made by ibu indra.. tahu isi goreng and tahu goreng.. habis sepinggan tu.. after that we were taken to cibaduyut tempatnya barangan kulit.. the only thing that i wanted to buy in cibaduyut is 'singkong keju'. Unfortunately, the gerai is no more there.. rasanya dah kena halau.. frust betul.. tempat lain singkong kejunya tak sama cam di sini.. next we went to pasar baru.. shopping,shopping and shopping.. cape de... memang tak larat ke sana.. kaki sampai naik kematu deh.. having lunch at pasar baru food court.. makan nasik rames, sambal terasi memang sedap.. but i only had nasi goreng kambing.. that's my favourite since in jakarta.. After lunch, the kakaks continue shopping, but no more for me.. surrender dek loh.. On the way back to the house we stop at Cihemplas factory outlet.. they have heroes character in front of their shop.. very creative..
That night we had dinner at stone cafe in dago.. very nice place and exclusive.. really had fun there.. kak ina, you cheer us all with your humour..
So here is the 1st part of my trip to Jakarta and Bandung.. will be back with more photos of me and ana in yogjakarta...
Thanks to kak ina, memeriahkan suasana macam hari raya... Abang pozi thanks jadi teman melayan dalam mobil.. kitakan orang 'terbelakang' hehe.. Kak zah and ita, enjoy tak trip ni.. please comment jika ada rasa tak puashati, boleh kita perbaiki lagi. Mana tahu ada trip lain lagi ke sana.. Rendy our tour guide cum driver (:)) cum adik had given a 1st class service and entertainment.. ibu indra, thanks for your hospitality and the food (breakfast) are excellent.. tip top condition.. Although this ain't my 1st time to Bandung or even Indonesia, but this trip has made me plan for another incredible tour to indonesia..
Saturday, May 10, 2008
One of my favorite cartoonist is Datuk LAT (Mohamed Noor Khalid).. his drawings are simple but yet entertaining. The most I like is the Kampung boy. It reminds me of the old days.. (gosh..! I feels old..!!). Lat is one of the most prolific artists in Southeast Asia. His works are known internationally. He has as much as 22 collections and counting... Well this are some of the clips that i manage to get hold..
Friday, May 9, 2008

Everyone has the basic right
To get the justice with all its might
Which due process should fight
for real justice to shade its light.
But today as politics come to play
or richness and power interplay
With judicial systems foreplay
Justice delay in so many ways
Justice delayed, justice denied
An unjust lawyer motto and pride
Only to show their wit as they ride
in the hall of justice with all stride.
but never for lawyers who abide
by truth their conscience can't hide.
Let's not circumvent truth with lies
Or trickery of our masterful ability
To set a culprit free from agony
in our greed for honey and money
at the expense of our honor and dignity
before God and the eyes of humanity.
- melvin banggollay-
My heart, sits only with those
who know and understand you.
Sit only under a tree
that is full and blossoms.
In the bazaar of hopes and potions
don't wander aimlessly
find a shop with a potion that is sweet
if you don't have a measure
people will rob you in no time.
You will take counterfeit coins
thinking they are real
don't fill your bowl with food from
every boiling pot you see.
Not every joke is humorous, so don't search
for meaning there isn't one.
Not every eye can see,
not every sea is full or pearls.
My heart, sing a song of longing
like nightingale
The sound of your voice cast a spell
on every stone, on every thorn.
First, lay down your head
then one by one
let go af all distractions.
Embrace the light and let it guide you
beyond the winds of desire.
There you will find a spring and nourished by its sea waters
like a tree you will bear fruit forever.
Rumi : The Hidden Music
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